Monday, December 9, 2019

Developing in the cloud: List of web apps to use for common tasks

Since the rise of Chromebooks I loved the idea of ditching installed apps for equivalent web apps. Years later there's so many web apps focussed on getting a very specific and simple job done as fast as possible. Below I'm collecting a list of those web apps I come across for future reference:

  • OnPaste - offers a few options to edit or markup images. I used it to highlight a specific area of an image.
  • SQLite Viewer - upload an SQLite database and browse it.
  • Zip Viewer - upload a ZIP file and browse it.
  • croppola - crop an image to predefined or custom ratios.

Let me know if you come across any other web apps that make your everyday tasks easier. Someone else did what needed to be done: create a compilation of such web apps.

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